Cardboard is not in my Food Pyramid….

Let me preface this with, I wrote this back in December and then had surgery with some complications, that had to have an emergency surgery to correct ,which took me 4 months to fully recover from. This whole endeavor has given me a new outlook on health, hospitals, medical care and their relationship with food….

Where have all the restaurants gone….

My mom use to listen to this song “Where have all the Flowers Gone?” Now, it has nothing to do with restaurants and everything to do with protesting war. So, no real segue between the title and the song, except for the memory of my mom. But it’s true!!!! How many of your favorite restaurants…

I do not COOK on Christmas!!!

Yes, you have read that correctly!!! I do not cook on Christmas. Yes, I go into my kitchen but there is no Turkey that needs basting every 30 minutes. There isn’t a ham, that we forgot to put some sort of glaze on. Maybe there could be a Prime Rib, but that would be cooked…

Cookies make me SMILE :)!!!!

I know it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet but this year I am fast forwarding……  I do like to give each Holiday their due but I needed a bit more Christmas Spirit this year.  So here we go. The First thing  of when I think cookies is a fuzzy blue monster with googly eyes.  The second…

The Best Halloween Candy Ever….Not In My World!!!!

It’s October and that means that Halloween is just around the corner.  Kids are dreaming about sugar highs and parents are trying to figure out a new hiding spot for all the candy.   Here enters what has been coined by my kind of people as “Satan’s Ear Wax” – CANDY CORN. Apparently there has been…

Doughnuts are not healthy….. Do I really Care?

This started out to be an entire blog just about Cider Doughnuts, but surprisingly there is not much out there, other than telling people that they are a harvest tradition in the fall, in the Northeast part of the United States.  And that they are a cake doughnut flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg and apple cider. …

NC-17….. Food Porn

It seems that food and romance and food and sex, go hand and hand.  Obviously, we use sex to sell food.  I mean what woman wouldn’t want to buy the salad dressing that he is advertising.  Yes, ladies there is a salad dressing bottle in this picture.  And not to leave the men out of…

Food Three-some…..

I had an interesting question asked of me the other night….. What are my three dishes that make people go WOW?  I have been thinking about question since then.  Even though I am a Pastry Chef, I am a damn good Chef as well.  I can tell you that my creme brulee has gotten me…

NOT ME!!!!

I chose to work in a “Man’s World”, I chose to work in a kitchen! Not me!!!  What does that mean?  Well, it means something to me that maybe you won’t expect.  Here is where I am going to piss some people off, maybe get a few comments, make you wonder how a woman could…

I was more of a Tomato Soup girl….

If you weren’t eating chicken soup to fight off the cold, that you got from that one person that insists on coming into work sick, you were reading it for your soul. When I would be home sick from school, my mom would make me either parsley buttered potatoes or mashed potatoes or tomato soup…