Cardboard is not in my Food Pyramid….

Let me preface this with, I wrote this back in December and then had surgery with some complications, that had to have an emergency surgery to correct ,which took me 4 months to fully recover from. This whole endeavor has given me a new outlook on health, hospitals, medical care and their relationship with food. It also gave me a chance to look for a new job, back into the kitchen…. Which I will definitely be talking about as I get back into the swing of writing……. But for now here is my December blog….

When did food become the enemy? Every year on January 1st, everyone starts talking about losing weight, getting healthy, getting the new you. All the diet plan commercials come on TV, with their choice celebrity, who can afford their personal trainers, personal chefs and probably didn’t have to pay anything for their WW plan, if they really even used it the way us “normal folk” would. That’s great!!!! I applaud you and your effort, that pretty much lasts until February 1st, when you decide it’s taking way to long or you don’t have the time or it’s just too hard. And that’s when the quick fixes start looking good. The how can I lose weight without actually doing a damn thing…. And that’s when you join your little cult and start “fat shaming food”.

Which Diets Actually Work? - YouTube

In December if 2021, Parade magazine published an article “100 types of diets that could help you lose weight….”. Wow!!!! So, skimmed over them and you know what I didn’t read in any of these amazing diets that will help you lose weight? To get off your ASS and do something. They don’t tell you to go for a walk or hop in a bike or lift weights. Nope, all it talks about the basics of each diet, positives and then the draw backs. It mentions something about making healthy lifestyle choices but, doesn’t mention what those might be.

I will be the first one to admit that I have tried a few of these diets, but nothing ever worked, mainly for other health reasons. I tried Keto, because my sister was starting it – high fats and proteins and low carbs and sugars. Found out, really quick, that my body can’t handle that much fat. At that time, I was working two jobs, riding my bike up to 20 miles and going to the gym. I literally couldn’t eat enough food to sustain me through the day and my body can’t process that much cow dairy, which I didn’t know, but if I would have consulted my doctor before starting this, probably would have been a good idea. So, I stopped, but kept doing all the other things and guess what, I ate food that I wanted to and did not deprive myself and still lost weight.

With any diet or drastic lifestyle changes, consulting your doctor or a nutritionist should be the first thing we all do, but it is not…. why? Because we all know better than the professionals. But that pretty much goes for everything these days. We are all doctors, chefs, lawyers, therapists….. everyone knows everything about everything. I digress…..

Because we are all knowing these days and want the fastest, quickest way to everything, we all just dive in headfirst. But if we were to stop and think and maybe do a little research, we might realize that your neighbor that lives next to you. that is a professional underwater basket weaver, probably is not qualified to give you medical advice, because they read a book about a diet. Let’s look at KETO first…. did you know that there is something called the KETO Flu? I didn’t. The KETO Flu can last up to two weeks while your body tries to adapt to the massive change you are forcing to go through. This self induces flu can consist of headaches, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue and muscle aches. Oh what fun…. And then there is the list of side effects that no one truly wants to talk about, because if you did all the lemmings might not jump on the band wagon. Here are some of the things that you might have to look forward to….

~ Mood Fluctuations, cuz we don’t get enough of these on a normal day to day basis. As if being Hangry wasn’t bad enough for everyone around you, low carb diets may not give you enough carbohydrates to let your body produce Serotonin.

~ Initial Weigh Loss Might Not Stick….. What you say? I spent all this money of bacon, cheese, olive oil, salmon, nuts, etc. and I am not going to keep the weight off? It’s true. Your initial weight loss is usually all the excess water weight you are holding on to because carbs hold onto more water than fats and proteins. So, when you stop eating carbs you lose all that water weight. There was an Italian study of 20,000 obese adults. They found that there was a loss of 12 pounds in 25 days…. WOW!!!! But there are no studies that look at whether or not the weight stayed off long term. Most people find it hard to stick with such a strict eating plan and if you stray the pounds pile back on….. by the way I read that somewhere, so don’t yell at me for it!

~ Let’s talk cravings. Yes, ladies they don’t just happen around that time of the month. Have you ever heard of Neuropeptide -Y? Yeah, neither did I until writing this specific blog. This is a chemical that your brain releases, that tells your body that it needs carbs. This chemical builds up and can intensify cravings, while depriving your body of the carbohydrates that it wants and needs. This can also increase the risk of eating disorders, like binge eating. This has nothing to do with will power or the lack of, but the biological response to deprivation.

~ Let’s talk Kidneys and I am not talking about beans….. your kidneys have enough stress, we don’t need to add to it. But we do every time we diet. And cutting out carbs and adding to much protein does just that. Your kidneys play an important role in your metabolizing proteins and eating too much may have a negative impact on y our kidney function. KETO diets suggest eating higher amounts of fats, people make the mistake by loading up on meat, instead of looking up what fats to eat and where to get them form. Yes, your body needs proteins, the issue is each body is different and each body needs different amounts of protein. So again, this is where meeting with a nutritionist or your doctor comes in.

~ And last but not least…. who doesn’t have a heart. Yes, there are all kinds of healthy heart benefits to losing weight, but there are also non benefits to rapid weight loss and cutting out all those terrible carbs. While losing weight helps lower the risk of heart disease, but those benefits go away when you start eating so many bad fats and not good fats. So, you are eating all that bacon, butter, soft cheeses, steak, cream, whole milk and poultry skin (I am so not giving up crispy chicken skin!!!!) Saturated fat equals heart disease. Hello…… nutritionist and Doctor?

I guess what I am trying to say is it is not a bad thing to ask for HELP, form actual professionals and not just your Avon sales rep.

So, we have chatted about low carb, but what about low calorie? Your average caloric should be between 2, 000 and 2,500 per day. That is not to say that everyone fits into the same category, so maybe you only need 1800, but your professional athlete BFF needs 2600. Again, can I hear those two words I keep typing…. DOCTOR and/or NUTRITIONIST.

These low-calorie diets may not provide you with even an adequate amount of your daily calories, eating as few as 800 to 1000 per day. This, absolutely, leads to rapid weight loss, at the beginning, but it is not sustainable. The average person does not realize that, again the first thing you lose is water weight and then, if you are not getting the proper diet and exercise your body then attacks your muscle, before it attacks that nasty fat that you actually want to get rid of. Until your body decides to attack the fat here are some of the things that you have to look forward to… dizziness, fatigue, headaches, loose skin, hair loss, rashes, leg cramps, bad breath, and menstrual changes. Doesn’t that sound like fun? SAID NO ONE EVER!!!

When you do not provide your body with adequate calories you are also depriving yourself of adequate essential nutrients. Certain low-calorie diets ask you to supplement in meal replacement products. The Mayo Clinic states that it is almost always better to eat plant-based foods rather than these cardboard supplemental snacks and foods. You are bound to become vitamin and mineral deficient, which leads to more fun stuff like…. hair loss, burning sensation in feet and tongue, slow healing wounds, bone pain, vision problems and an irregular heartbeat and if you are severely cutting calories for an extended period of time that can lead to substantial muscle loss. Is that not counter productive?

While we are all depriving ourselves of everything our bodies need to actually be healthy, to get “healthy”, you then have to factor in the weight that you gain once you either can’t afford these prepackaged meals or struggle to eat your KETO diet or whatever else you are on… then what happens? Well, let me tell you…. while all this is great for short term weight loss, these are not geared towards long term weight loss or healthy living. During all this your brain signals y our body to decrease levels of hormones that promote the feeling of fullness, while increasing levels of an appetite stimulating hormones.

But don’t worry for those of you that still think this is all too difficult, you can ask your doctor for weight loss shots and actual medications that help with weight loss. But even those come with side effects and a hefty price tag. Let’s talk about one in particular, Wegovy. Most insurance companies do not cover this drug, so you are footing the bill to the tune of up to $1563.35 per month. Do you know what I can do with that kind of money a month. That is even more than I make in one paycheck. That is $18,760.20 a year, that is a KIA Soul with change. My gym membership costs me $540.00 year, HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!! And yes, I have been saying talk with your doctor about losing weight and yes, your doctor would prescribe this drug for you, but that doesn’t mean that there are not side effects. All drugs have side effects. Most common side effects are – nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, gas, stomach flu and heartburn. More severe side effects – anxiety, fast heartbeat, increased hunger, nervousness, seizures, rashes, slurred speech, depression, cold sweats, etc. And then there are the severe side effects – Thyroid tumors including cancer, inflammation of the pancreas, gall bladder problems, kidney failure, depression with thoughts of suicide, and hypoglycemia with those who have type 2 diabetes. Oh, did I mention that you are not supposed to take this if you have had a history of depression and/or mental illness. Cuz that is something that everyone is always honest about.

So, let’s recap… Risks of Rapid Weight Loss: Muscle loss, Metabolic Change, Depression, Nutrient deficiencies, Gallstone Formation, Dehydration, Electrolyte Imbalances, Fatigue, Weight loss plateau.

Here are a few tips for healthy weight loss, yes this will take longer but the results are long term and so much healthier for you: Include more protein, Include more fiber, Reduce refined Carbohydrates, Eat slowly, Drink green tea, Get enough sleep, exercise using weights…. Hell, just exercise!!!! Get up and go for a walk and not just to the refrigerator. You might be asking, “Green Tea”? Yes, green tea, probably the most healthiest drink on the planet and it comes in a concentrate, in case you don’t like to drink tea. It’s full of antioxidants and catechins (a division of phytonutrients called flavanols…. yeah, I have not idea, but it sounds smart). Anyway, the most important catechin is Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG, so much easier to type). EGCG helps to inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the hormone Norepinephrine, when inhibited the amount of Norepinephrine increases promoting the breakdown of fat. In fact the combination of caffeine and EGCG may have a synergistic effect, causing fat cells to break down fat cells.

I am not saying that these diets do not work, they do for some people, just not me. But as a chef, I look at food differently, I guess. I don’t see food as the enemy, I see it as fuel for your body. But food also needs a healthy relationship with you and you with it! Eating homemade foods, not things that come from a box or only go into the microwave, I am not talking about pasta or real rice. I am talking about Hamburger Helper or Hungry Man, I am even talking about those frozen chicken nuggets that are shaped like dinosaurs. These things were once food, but now mostly additives and preservatives and God, himself, actually questions what some of the ingredients are – really what plant or beast does Tripolyosphate or Monocalcium Phosphate come from. No idea…… Think about what are the ingredients in Broccoli? HMMMM….. just broccoli. Same thing is true for carrots, spinach, wild caught Salmon, even your organic farm raised beef and chicken. Here’s something that is going to blow your mind…. if you take that fresh piece of wild caught Salmon, sprinkle a little sea salt and olive oil, pan seared it, now take that broccoli, that you purchased in the produce department at your grocery store or better yet your local farmer’s market. Toss it with that same olive oil and sea salt, put on a sheet, place it in the oven at 400 and roast it. The difficult part would be the starch….. I’m going with quinoa. And there you have it a healthy meal, that actually tastes like food and not cardboard. Here is the best part…. you might have leftovers and this entire meal did not cost you $1500.00.

So, I guess what I am saying is food is not the enemy. Real food…. by real food I mean, food that you have to take the time to prepare, to shop for, to use a pot or pan to cook it and doesn’t come in a can or in a bag in the freezer section of the grocery store. We blame the food we eat, instead of looking at what actual food we are eating. if you are stopping at the golden arches two or three times a week for lunch and then going back to your office and sitting in your desk chair for the next 4 hours and then going home and picking up a pizza on your way there, then watching TV the rest of the night… you cannot blame the food, you have to blame yourself. If you are packing your lunch with apples, tuna fish, cheese, rice and with a chicken breast and then coming home and going for a walk, drinking lots of water and green tea and still struggling then there might be something else going on and this is where your doctor can help or a nutritionist or a personal trainer. But you have to be honest with yourself and your doctor and that is going to be the hard part! So, stop blaming the food that you are not eating, it is not your enemy!!!! I am not perfect, I love popped corn and have re-developed a taste for Doritos, but I am not sitting and eating these every day. I am bringing my apple wedges and cheese for my lunch and I am going on walks and to the gym and taking a ballet class. But I also have health problems and am starting to take those more serious. So, this New Year make your resolution to make a change. Make the change to eat real food, to spend more time in your kitchen, than a drive thru.


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